Well I figured since I have a few minutes I would update you on the birth of our baby girl! We welcomed Dylan Larue to our family November 11th, 2010 at 7:59am. She weighed in at 8lbs 9oz and was 21 inches long. I had a pretty long labor but it didn't really seem like labor to me since I was resting the entire time. I went in to the hospital at 8:30am the 10th for an elective induction and was hooked up to the Pitocin. I started to have regular, painful contractions pretty quickly but the pain was actually not to bad. I know I could have handled it for awhile longer than I did, but the nurses were thinking that I would go into active labor pretty fast because of it being my second baby so they talked me into getting the epidural at 3pm. The whole process was super easy and the epi did not hurt one bit. I was able to sleep and relax for the next few hours. I ended up progressing really slowly and at 4am the dr. came in and was talking c-section which I adamantly refused. Dylan's vitals were all good and she was not in distress at all so I wanted to wait it out. I had had a 18 hour labor with Riley and I was induced with her as well so I knew the drill. At 7am I told the nurse I felt like the time was near and she checked me and I was ready to push. I already knew this because I felt like I was going to drop the baby on the floor at this point. I was crossing my legs to keep her in. The dr. came in about 7:30 and I started pushing and out she came!
They had to take her and suction her really well since she had pooped while she was waiting to come out but once that was done she was good to go.
Andy and I were totally thrilled to see her finally and both of us were teary eyed. I ended up not having any tears which was AWESOME and I felt great right after she was born.
We had to stay in the hospital overnight of course which was fine, Dylan was wide awake ALL night. She didn't cry at all, she just stared and looked around. We ended up having to stay later the next day then we wanted because the nurses were concerned because Dylan wasn't nursing really well and she was a really red color. After they checked her all out and the lactation consultant came in and gave me some breastfeeding tips and we had scheduled an apt. with the pediatrician for Monday they discharged us. Dylan slept all night the first and second night and I had to wake her up to feed her and change her. Last night she was a bit fussy but she was pretty hungry since my milk was just coming in and she hadn't been eating really well the last few days. She still was really good and I have been sleeping fairly well myself.
We had her first dr. apt today and we discovered she is pretty jaundice which made me feel like an ass since I hadn't noticed. In fact Andy was the one who noticed and he isn't medically trained even! The dr. made us get her blood drawn again and said they would call us with the results and what we should do next this afternoon. They never did call so I am guessing everything was ok or will be fine. The dr. said that the jaundice peaks at 5 or 6 days old so she will be at her peak tomorrow pretty much. He also said she was a bit dehydrated and that we need to make sure to feed her every 2 to 3 hours so she can pee and poo the jaundice away. Now that my milk is in that should be pretty easy and she is really eating a lot now. I still do have to wake her up but that's ok.
Riley is sure loving being a big sister. She has already been a super big help and she really loves on her sister. Its so great having two girls, I love it. Andy is in love with her as well. He has been a great help as well but sometimes he has been a bit of a hindrance. He especially likes to wait till Dylan is asleep and then he messes with her and wakes her up again. It is sweet though.
We are all just so in love with her and life is great with a new baby. I will share a couple more photos and then I have to run, I need to wake the princess up and feed her again :o)