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Monday, August 10, 2009

A little dissapointed.....

Well today was my first apt with the nurse and I am not very happy. The nurse wanted me to have an ultrasound so she was able to get me in right away and they didnt see ANYTHING. Well I guess the saw the "sac" but that was it. The u/s tech seems to think that I am just at 5 weeks. I know this is not possible since I know the few times exactly that we were "together". Anyways, they checked my blood level and said that they will have the results back in a couple of days and not to worry or stress, yea right!! She said they were not worried at all because the "sac" was perfect looking and everything else was normal. It is just so discouraging to see the little sac with nothing there....
I did talk with a couple of nurse friends who said that it is completely normal to not see anything at 5 weeks and that if I had lost the baby then my pregnancy symptoms should have gone away. I guess its a good thing I was still sick as hell this morning and my ta ta's hurt like nobodys business, at least thats a good sign. I felt sooo bad though, Andy came with me and it really sucked for him tobe so excited and then be let down. I dont want to talk about it either, so I guess we will just wait for a couple of days and see if my blood test results show all is ok.

God I hope so.....