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Friday, October 29, 2010

10 days to go!

Well I know I promised more updates but really nothing has happened for me to update on and I didnt want to take the time to write nothing. Anyways, I will update everything that has gone on in the last few weeks right now :o)

Nothing major has gone on but I did have to make a trip into Labor and Delivery last Wednesday because of a fever. I didnt feel sick at all, but I was really tired and took a little nap and when I woke up I felt cold but hot and took my temp which resulted in a 103.7 fever. I called my dr. who advised me to take some Tylenol and see if the fever would go away, and if it did then no worries, if not to come in. Well of course it didnt so I had to go in and that sucked! The bed was soooo uncomfortable I thought I would die. I also was having pretty hard contractions that were anywhere from 2-7 min apart and they were pretty painful. The nurse ended up checking on me to see if I was making any progress into labor and of course I was not. I was 50% effaced but not quite dialted to a 1 even! I was pretty upset since I had been having hard contractions for the last couple of weeks....I ended up staying in the hospital over night and it was excruciating for me because of the bed, it made my back and hips hurt terribly. The figured out I had a kidney infection and gave me a ton of fluids and then the IV antibiotics, I have been fine since the stay so evidently it worked.

I also went to my dr. apt on Monday and the dr. was supposed to check me again for dialation but he did not. He did say he would this next Monday and if I was dialted to at least a 1 he would strip my membranes then. I am just praying that when he checks I will be a 3 or 4 and the stripping will send me into labor. I am totaly ready for this kid to be out! She is way to big to be sitting in there hanging out.

My mom is also coming in Monday afternoon and we have to go pick her up from the airport. She is supposed to stay for 2 weeks, so I am really praying I go into labor before the time she has to leave. She said she can stay longer but I dont know how that will go.

We are all ready for Dylan to get here though, everything is set up for her. I still have to finish packing my hospital bag, its pretty much done but I still have a couple of things to stuff in there. I am really procrastinating on doing it though, I guess its because I figure I will have plenty of time even if I go into labor.

I guess the biggest thing that happened the last couple of weeks was Andy having to get a new car. It really sucked because we had just paid his Eclipse off. I am talking 2 days after the check was cashed his clutch went out. I was really mad at him because he not only is super hard on his cars and I told him if he kept shifting so hard he was going to burn his clutch out and he wouldnt listen but because he ruined his credit again because he is friggin lazy so he couldnt get a loan for another car. I guess it turned out for the best that he couldnt get a loan because we really cant afford another payment at this time. It all worked out in the end and he ended up being able to trade his car straight across for a PT Cruiser. Its not the most ideal car but it is roomy and looks nice. It all checked out at the shop so we should be able to keep it for awhile with no major problems. Plus its an automatic and gutless so Andy cant hot rod it around town and it gets good gas mileage.

Well thats about all that has been going on. Now I just sit around waiting to go into labor. I will let ya know when that happens.