Well today went great! Dylan was in her g's all day long and we had NO leaks! She even took a 4 hour nap and was in the same dipe for about 5 hours total time and when I took it off the dipe was wet and her skin was completely dry! Not even that clammy skin feeling like with regular diapers! I was pretty impressed. I also got 3 more dipes in the mail today so it's beginning to look like a rainbow here :) I had to wash 2 of the dipes from yesterday because Bebuh is a very messy eater and they came out of the washer and dryer looking great. The liners are completely washable and you can put them in the dryer as well but I wouldn't on a regular basis (put them in the dryer that is) I would think it would take some life out of them. I have been wiping them out between pee dipes with a nice baby wipe, and the ones that she had a poopy in I hand washed and then stuck in my dish drainer. They were dry within minutes. Overall they are proving to be a super easy system and I will most definitely will be recommending them to new moms or moms who want to try CDing.
I am pretty busy the rest of the week, I will continue to update but I want to be able to sit down and write on the Pro's and Con's to this diapering system. I don't really see any Cons for my personal use, but I do see some things that might make greener parents pick something different. Anyways, this is all for now, but I promise there will be more :o)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 2 (gDiapers)
Posted by Krista at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
CDing Day 1 (gDiapers)
So I obviously am posting consecutively but this is the first chance I have gotten to sit down at the computer long enough to write a blog. Even as we speak the 5 year old is awake and running around the house like a maniac, and yes, I know its after midnight, but what do you do? Anyways, here is what went on today-
Posted by Krista at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Cloth Diapering- The Beginning
When I was pregnant with Dylan I had the thought to try out cloth diapering. I didn't really look into it much besides for looking up a diaper service in the area which I quickly found was not really any cheaper than for me to just buy regular diapers or "sposies" as I now have learned to call them. I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I still thought of the cloth diapers as the pieces of cloth with the safety pins holding them up. I now realize how wrong I was. I wish I had taken the time back then to really look into it, but I didn't, and still don't know anyone close who Cd's and from the little amount of research I had done (and our job situation at the time) I didn't think it was really in our budget. Soooo here it is quite a few months later and what am I doing? Trying out cloth diapering and so far I am really enjoying it. That being said it has been less than 24 hours, and I am sure we will face some challenges in the next few days, weeks, and even months, but I am ready for them and more than willing to work at this. I really hope that my experience will help someone else to do the research and and possibly choose to CD. There are so many benefits to it for you, your baby, and the environment. Anyways, I am getting down off my soap box for now, and on to the good stuff!
So my plan is to -
A. Document the next few weeks of my Cding to show what problems I encounter, my overall experience, and of course end result.
B. Document the costs of getting started, some money saving tips and websites for cloth diapering, and of course reviews on the products I have chosen to use through the process.
C. Show how Cding even late in the game has and will save me money.
So please bear with me while I fumble around, and I hope this will truly work as I want and serve as a tutorial of sorts for others who want to make the leap to Cding, and thanks so much for being a part of my daily journey!
Posted by Krista at 12:11 AM 0 comments