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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 2 (gDiapers)

Well today went great! Dylan was in her g's all day long and we had NO leaks! She even took a 4 hour nap and was in the same dipe for about 5 hours total time and when I took it off the dipe was wet and her skin was completely dry! Not even that clammy skin feeling like with regular diapers! I was pretty impressed. I also got 3 more dipes in the mail today so it's beginning to look like a rainbow here :) I had to wash 2 of the dipes from yesterday because Bebuh is a very messy eater and they came out of the washer and dryer looking great. The liners are completely washable and you can put them in the dryer as well but I wouldn't on a regular basis (put them in the dryer that is) I would think it would take some life out of them. I have been wiping them out between pee dipes with a nice baby wipe, and the ones that she had a poopy in I hand washed and then stuck in my dish drainer. They were dry within minutes. Overall they are proving to be a super easy system and I will most definitely will be recommending them to new moms or moms who want to try CDing.

I am pretty busy the rest of the week, I will continue to update but I want to be able to sit down and write on the Pro's and Con's to this diapering system. I don't really see any Cons for my personal use, but I do see some things that might make greener parents pick something different. Anyways, this is all for now, but I promise there will be more :o)