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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ready for the New Year!

I am so ready to say good-bye to 2010. It has been an wonderful year for us filled with many great things.

Andy and I finally became husband and wife January 30, 2010.

I found out I was pregnant March 5, 2010.

 We got orders to move to Bremerton in April and began house hunting.

We found and purchased our home in May 2010, and also found out that Andy would be Involuntarily Discharged from the NAVY.
 I got kidney stones in June and found out I was having a GIRL!!

 Things calmed down for a bit this summer and into fall.

November 11, 2010 we welcomed Dylan into our family, life is wonderful!

 Now December has come and almost gone and soon it will be January and the New Year. We will start all over again with birthdays and anniversaries and life will go on. So many wonderful things have happened to us its hard to even think of the few small bad things that have taken place. Our family has its health, and we are happy. We were fortunate enough to not have anyone in our families seriously injured or taken ill this past year and we hope and pray it will continue through to next year. We had some wonderful visits from family and made some great memories too! All in all I am so thankful for 2010, but I cant wait to see what 2011 has in store for us!

I will sign off with that, and here are some more great photos of the girls!
 Riley on Christmas Eve
With her bb gun from Larry and Mel                                                                                                 


Here is a couple photos of Dylan sleeping, she is so sweet when she is asleep

Monday, December 27, 2010



Ok wow, glad I got that out! I am just so thankful that Christmas is over, I will be even happier when January is over and all the holidays and the birthdays and anniversary is over as well. All the stress will be gone from them and it will be on to new stresses. Christmas did go pretty well. Riley had a great time and was super spoiled as usual. I was totaly shocked on Christmas Eve to get package after package from Andy's dad, mom, and sister! It was really nice that Lorrie made an effort and actually thought of us. Mindy too. It made both Andy and I feel better. Andy called and talked to both of them on Christmas which I think made them happy. Hopefully we can keep working on those relationships. Anyways, it was a pretty good day, however I have decided to purchase a new camera. That was the worst part of the day, I took a ton of pictures of Christmas and guess what? 1 flippin picture turned out and it was of Dylan laying on Andys lap! All the rest were crappy and fuzzy and it pissed me off. So now I have decided to save up a bit and purchase a really good one like I wanted to do in the first place. Anyways.....I am sitting here looking around at all the christmas crap that is up still and its driving me nuts! I really want to get it taken down, and now! Andy is working all week so I will have to wait a bit but its happening soon. I should go, I got up super early so I could shower and have some "me" time. Both the girls are still asleep in my bed. Its pretty nice to have some quiet time actually. I need to check on the baby though, if she makes it 15 more minutes she will have slept for 11 hours! I am so lucky!

Monday, November 15, 2010

We have our baby!!

Well I figured since I have a few minutes I would update you on the birth of our baby girl! We welcomed Dylan Larue to our family November 11th, 2010 at 7:59am. She weighed in at 8lbs 9oz and was 21 inches long. I had a pretty long labor but it didn't really seem like labor to me since I was resting the entire time. I went in to the hospital at 8:30am the 10th for an elective induction and was hooked up to the Pitocin. I started to have regular, painful contractions pretty quickly but the pain was actually not to bad. I know I could have handled it for awhile longer than I did, but the nurses were thinking that I would go into active labor pretty fast because of it being my second baby so they talked me into getting the epidural at 3pm. The whole process was super easy and the epi did not hurt one bit. I was able to sleep and relax for the next few hours. I ended up progressing really slowly and at 4am the dr. came in and was talking c-section which I adamantly refused. Dylan's vitals were all good and she was not in distress at all so I wanted to wait it out. I had had a 18 hour labor with Riley and I was induced with her as well so I knew the drill. At 7am I told the nurse I felt like the time was near and she checked me and I was ready to push. I already knew this because I felt like I was going to drop the baby on the floor at this point. I was crossing my legs to keep her in. The dr. came in about 7:30 and I started pushing and out she came!
They had to take her and suction her really well since she had pooped while she was waiting to come out but once that was done she was good to go.
Andy and I were totally thrilled to see her finally and both of us were teary eyed. I ended up not having any tears which was AWESOME and I felt great right after she was born.
We had to stay in the hospital overnight of course which was fine, Dylan was wide awake ALL night. She didn't cry at all, she just stared and looked around. We ended up having to stay later the next day then we wanted because the nurses were concerned because Dylan wasn't nursing really well and she was a really red color. After they checked her all out and the lactation consultant came in and gave me some breastfeeding tips and we had scheduled an apt. with the pediatrician for Monday they discharged us. Dylan slept all night the first and second night and I had to wake her up to feed her and change her. Last night she was a bit fussy but she was pretty hungry since my milk was just coming in and she hadn't been eating really well the last few days. She still was really good and I have been sleeping fairly well myself.
We had her first dr. apt today and we discovered she is pretty jaundice which made me feel like an ass since I hadn't noticed. In fact Andy was the one who noticed and he isn't medically trained even! The dr. made us get her blood drawn again and said they would call us with the results and what we should do next this afternoon. They never did call so I am guessing everything was ok or will be fine. The dr. said that the jaundice peaks at 5 or 6 days old so she will be at her peak tomorrow pretty much. He also said she was a bit dehydrated and that we need to make sure to feed her every 2 to 3 hours so she can pee and poo the jaundice away. Now that my milk is in that should be pretty easy and she is really eating a lot now. I still do have to wake her up but that's ok.
Riley is sure loving being a big sister. She has already been a super big help and she really loves on her sister. Its so great having two girls, I love it. Andy is in love with her as well. He has been a great help as well but sometimes he has been a bit of a hindrance. He especially likes to wait till Dylan is asleep and then he messes with her and wakes her up again. It is sweet though.
We are all just so in love with her and life is great with a new baby. I will share a couple more photos and then I have to run, I need to wake the princess up and feed her again :o)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well today is the last day of October and of course I still have not gone into labor. Thought I might be last night but the contractions went away :o( Oh well. I did tell Andy that with my luck I would go into labor tonight when we needed to pick mom up from the airport tomorrow and would have to scramble to get her here...Guess we will see since I will be doing a lot of walking tonight. I can at least hope if not labor the walking will help dialate me and when the Dr. checks me tomorrow I will be far enough along that stripping my membranes will work. Guess we will see.....

In other news, I am working on getting the house cleaned up today so Andy wont have so much to do tomorrow morning while I am at my Dr. apt.  So far the upstairs is cleaned up besides the dishes which I will finish after this since I am being lazy.....Andy has to do the downstairs since thats his domain and I cant pack the vacuum up and down the stairs. I just hope he actually does a good job, usually he just does enough to make it look ok and then I am the one who has to do the rest. I will be super pissed if he trys that this time since I dont want my mom coming over here to clean the whole time.

Today should be pretty fun, well this evening anyways....Andy is getting off early hopefully and then we are going to take Riley out with some friends. She is going as a cat. I have to try and figure out how to put the makup on her, we did a trial run last night and she wouldnt hold still enough for me to get the whiskers on her. She kept moving or laughing and it would make the whiskers all scribbly. I have a better idea for the make up tonight we will see how I do.....

Well I guess I should run, I am just super bored like usuall. I know I have a ton of crap to get done still but I dont want to do any of it....I am really looking foward to tomorrow and hopefully getting this kid outta me! Keep your fingers crossed for me and I will keep you updates :o)

Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

10 days to go!

Well I know I promised more updates but really nothing has happened for me to update on and I didnt want to take the time to write nothing. Anyways, I will update everything that has gone on in the last few weeks right now :o)

Nothing major has gone on but I did have to make a trip into Labor and Delivery last Wednesday because of a fever. I didnt feel sick at all, but I was really tired and took a little nap and when I woke up I felt cold but hot and took my temp which resulted in a 103.7 fever. I called my dr. who advised me to take some Tylenol and see if the fever would go away, and if it did then no worries, if not to come in. Well of course it didnt so I had to go in and that sucked! The bed was soooo uncomfortable I thought I would die. I also was having pretty hard contractions that were anywhere from 2-7 min apart and they were pretty painful. The nurse ended up checking on me to see if I was making any progress into labor and of course I was not. I was 50% effaced but not quite dialted to a 1 even! I was pretty upset since I had been having hard contractions for the last couple of weeks....I ended up staying in the hospital over night and it was excruciating for me because of the bed, it made my back and hips hurt terribly. The figured out I had a kidney infection and gave me a ton of fluids and then the IV antibiotics, I have been fine since the stay so evidently it worked.

I also went to my dr. apt on Monday and the dr. was supposed to check me again for dialation but he did not. He did say he would this next Monday and if I was dialted to at least a 1 he would strip my membranes then. I am just praying that when he checks I will be a 3 or 4 and the stripping will send me into labor. I am totaly ready for this kid to be out! She is way to big to be sitting in there hanging out.

My mom is also coming in Monday afternoon and we have to go pick her up from the airport. She is supposed to stay for 2 weeks, so I am really praying I go into labor before the time she has to leave. She said she can stay longer but I dont know how that will go.

We are all ready for Dylan to get here though, everything is set up for her. I still have to finish packing my hospital bag, its pretty much done but I still have a couple of things to stuff in there. I am really procrastinating on doing it though, I guess its because I figure I will have plenty of time even if I go into labor.

I guess the biggest thing that happened the last couple of weeks was Andy having to get a new car. It really sucked because we had just paid his Eclipse off. I am talking 2 days after the check was cashed his clutch went out. I was really mad at him because he not only is super hard on his cars and I told him if he kept shifting so hard he was going to burn his clutch out and he wouldnt listen but because he ruined his credit again because he is friggin lazy so he couldnt get a loan for another car. I guess it turned out for the best that he couldnt get a loan because we really cant afford another payment at this time. It all worked out in the end and he ended up being able to trade his car straight across for a PT Cruiser. Its not the most ideal car but it is roomy and looks nice. It all checked out at the shop so we should be able to keep it for awhile with no major problems. Plus its an automatic and gutless so Andy cant hot rod it around town and it gets good gas mileage.

Well thats about all that has been going on. Now I just sit around waiting to go into labor. I will let ya know when that happens.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Crud

Well it seems that I have gotten the crud that is going around :o( I had thought it was just allergies but now I think it is the nasty stuff that has been going around the town. No idea how I managed to get it since I am never out and about but I did get it. So for the last 3 days I have been a combination of snotty, stuffy, sore throat, coughing, pants peeing, gagging, puking ball of fun. It really sucks being pregnant, sick, and then having to take care of a 4 year old and a house. My house was terrible yesterday and all I could do was lay in bed. Andy had to come home from work and clean the house for me. so this morning I got up to a wonderfully clean house. I am feeling a bit better thanks to some rest and the Netty Pot but I am clearly not 100% and I am just praying I feel better soon, like tomorrow. Anyways...I figured since its been a week I should update you on my dr. apt. last was last Monday, especially since I will have more news tomorrow.

So my dr. seems pretty nice despite the bad word I had heard about him from a lady who bought a stroller from me. He did a full exam and said everything was fine as he could tell. He measured me and said that I was measuring small and he didnt think this baby would be as big as Riley, which I am not totaly upset about since she was almost 8lbs! When I asked him if that was a problem he said it wasnt because everyone grows differently and that I had not really gained any weight and that everything measured after 25 weeks was just an estimate anyways. It freaked me out a bit since he marked on my ultrasound ticket that I needed the ultrasound because I was measuring small for my dates, but Jill calmed me down and said it was like he said and just a guess. Not to mention that is the first reason given on the ticket for the apt so he probably just marked that option in a hurry. Anyways, my u/s is tomorrow at 11:45, Andy actually gets to go this time and so will Riley. I am really excited about it! I am a bit worried they will tell us its a boy though now that we have all the girly stuff bought and ready. I will be a bit sad if its a boy as well since I am really excited to have another girl now...Ultimatly we just want healthy, so as long as he/she is healthy I will be happy. I just cant wait to see our little sweety, its been so long and I didnt really get a good look at her the last time since I was so sick, and Andy never got to see her so I hope its special for him as well. I know Riley will really be happy to see the baby moving around as well. I have another dr. apt next week on Monday and after that I will have to come in every week until I deliver. I am hoping she decides to come earlier than later though. I am ready to be not pregnant and to hold my sweet little baby. I still have a lot to do though before she gets here, after tomorrow and we are sure its a girl I have a ton of clothes and bedding to wash and then I need to order my swing and get everything in the nursery organized. Its kinda scary to think I only have 5 weeks left! Time has sure flown by with this pregnancy, it seems like I just found out I was pregnant. Well I am going to get off of here now, I am pretty much out of energy again and I still need to make something for Andy to eat for dinner, he should be home any minute now. I will update you tomorrow, and I am sure I will have some new "money shot" photos of our baby to share as well.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer Recap

So I promised I would update this blog on our summer activities so here goes....

In August we had a wonderful visit from Jesse, Hilary, and the kiddos. They came over for a few days and we went to the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle Aquarium, and the Olympic Game Farm. I would have to say the favorite of the three places was the Game Farm. Once your through the gates you are fair game for the animals to accost you through your open windows. The ox were first on the list and they were pretty well behaved compared to some of the others, but they did smell horrible!

Then we ran into the Zebra, who I am pretty sure had had enough bread. If you look close you can see the piece of bread sitting on its back lol.
There were other animals and lots of birds but the photos are plentiful so I chose our fav's. Next we got to see the bears! They were very fat and lazy and barely moved to get the bread that was tossed to them. Good thing though since they were VERY large and only kept in their enclosure by a farm fence and a small piece of electrical wire fence. This bear was "fake roaring" as he was trained to do and it looked pretty scary but he actually didn't make a sound.
After the bears was where it got pretty exciting. We ran into the sentries at the gate.....
Oh what a site! These guys were HUGE!! They were also very pushy and being so tall they got right in your face inside the car for the bread. The cow was a bit smaller but she certainly was the worst at being pushy. She was all the way in my car at one point and she was trying to eat my pants. It was a very strange feeling to be surrounded by such large wild animals...
On the way out was when they were really bad, here is a photo of the elk trying to get into Jess and Hil's van
of course the cow was looking our way because she thought we had more bread.
After the game farm we went to a Lavender field, it smelled wonderful and was very pretty. Poor Ali got stung by a bee so she didn't have the best of times there but I snapped this super cute photo of the kids. Riley is not in it because she of course was being rotten, but we did get this photo of her and I together right before we left.
The next day we went to the Aquarium and the Zoo. I wont upload those photos though because they are pretty general. The Aquarium was also pretty crappy. No one had fun there and it was soooo crowded you could hardly walk through it.
The end of August I had my baby shower. Hilary threw it for me and it was wonderful! We had such a good time and I got some very nice things. Here is a photo of me before the shower. I didn't get many photos because of course I was the guest of honor, but a shower is a shower :o)
That about sums everything up that I can think of. I am adding my last photo here of my pregnant self at 32 weeks which of course has been two weeks ago since I will be 34 weeks tomorrow. When I get a chance I will take a 34 week photo and add it, hopefully tomorrow, but I have a lot of cleaning to get done since Andy will be off tomorrow, and then I have a dr. apt. later in the day so we will see.....
I am pretty happy in this photo since I am wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans. So far I can still wear all of my pre preggo pants but we will see what comes in the next few weeks.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Wow, I still cant seem to make time to keep up with this blog. I always think of it when I am laying in bed about to fall asleep which of course does me no good.
Anyways, I figured it was about time to log on and update you on whats been going on the last few months.

We can start with the good news, I always like good news :o)

Things are going well here, we are pretty much unpacked all the way and our house looks like a home now. I am glad we got it all done, and it only took us 3 months lol. Andy has also gotten a job at the car lot here. Its the biggest one around and he is doing very well so far. He loves the job which is nice, it sucks because he is gone all day and has been working his days off so we have money once the baby gets here. Speaking of the baby, she is trying to kill me :o) She is very active which makes me feel bruised and beaten but we are anxiously counting down the days till she is here. I am almost 34 weeks, so I only have about 47 more days till she will be here (if she comes on time). I have also only gained a total of about 7 lbs which I am super happy about! I can still wear my regular jeans!! Whoo hoo!!!
We are pretty much all ready for her, I need to get a swing still but I am waiting till after my next dr. apt. to see if they will give me another ultrasound, I want to be 100% sure she is really a she. Ohhhh I guess I should back up a bit, I have not told you all the stuff that has happened in the last few months... I will get to that in just a sec, but I will finish the good news first. So continuing on... Riley is doing really well, she is a bit lonely but she is very excited to see her new baby sister. She is also growing like a weed! She is wearing 5t and 6x clothing already and is in a size 11 shoe!! Holy cow she is getting so big. She is also getting super smart, I feel stupid most of the time compaired to her lol. Oh and the last bit of news is we got a new puppy! She is a super adorable Chocolate Lab we call River. She is pretty smart. Her and Riley get a long great and its fun to watch them together.

Ok so for the other news, it really isnt bad, so here goes-

Shortly after my last note I had to be admitted into the hospital for kidney stones. It was a terrible experience and I was in the hospital for a week and then misserable at home for another month. Thank god I am better now. The Naval hospital was an experience, and overall they treated me pretty well, I did have one dr. who was nasty the second time I was in the ER but I didnt have to deal with him much. I was checked out of the hospital the day Andy was discharged, and no, I dont think that it was a coinsidence. The NAVY has basically black listed us and will not get back to us on anything. They still owe us a bunch of money and medical which we have not seen and I am sure we wont. The medical issue was a bunch of crap and I have had a horrible time getting in to see the dr. I have not been seen for the baby since I was 10 weeks and living in Chehalis. When I was at the hospital they checked her heartbeat but that was it. The only reason we knew it was a girl (or at least THINK its a girl) is because I had to have an emergency ultrasound on my kidneys and the tech took a peek. She said she was 95% sure it was a girl, and I was drugged up but I saw the "money" shot and it looked like a girl to me as well. I am stressing a bit now since we have all girly stuff and if she turns out to be a he we will be in a bit of trouble. Really the matter that bugged me the most is that I have not been to see a Dr. for so long. First the NAVY refused to help us out and then once I applied and was given State insurance I had a bunch of problems with them. Thank goodness everything is all taken care of and I now have an apt. this coming Monday. I am just praying everything will be ok and there will be no issues with the baby. I am very anxious to talk to the Dr. about how she is and what all has been going on the last few months with this pregnancy. I have not had any complications thank god but who knows what has been going on on the inside. At least I know I will get to deliver in a hospital and actually have a Dr. present. Its just a relief.

Oh I also have a wonderful baby shower! Hilary threw it for me and it was very nice! I had so much fun and it was great to visit with everyone. It was a bit sad since Andy had to work and he could not come, BUT Riley and I took our first plane ride and went over. It was a bit scary for me but it wasn't to bad and I made it just fine. Riley loved it and wants to go again. When we landed she had her hands in the air like she was riding a roller coaster lol. It was cute. I got a bunch of great stuff which I am very grateful for.

Anyways, it is now officially fall here. we had such a great summer! It was wonderful weather most of the time and we had a lot of fun going to the beach and collecting shells, seeing starfish, and catching crabs. Andy actually caught some crabs and ate them when Jess and Hilary visted. i will post another note on their visit including photos, this one is getting to long and I still have more to write :O)
I am all ready for fall, this is the best time of year for me. I know the weather gets rainy here but I am ready for some cooler weather. I have already decorated the house and pulled out my fall Scentsy smells. I am really enjoying it right now. Its nice to have your own home and be able to decorate and not have to worry about the landlord.

Very rare Sunflower Starfish we found on the beach below our home.
HUGE Starfish we found on our beach!
River, the Lab pup.
Well I think this is long enough for now. I will post a couple of photos of the pup and this crazy starfish Riley found at the beach a couple weeks ago. When I have more time I will fill you in on Jess and Hil's visit, and then post some photos of the house, Riley's room and the baby's room. I will also try and keep up better with the blog. I know I have said it 10000 times before but I really have no excuse. Being a SAHM I have nothing to do all day but clean and sit around.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bad to Worse?

So instead of finding out what all was going on with my hubs re-enlistment we heard nothing more. He went to his class today to learn more about what they were offering in this program and he was bored stiff. Evidently this class was supposed to be scheduled a year to 18 months in advance, so BEFORE they are to be discharged, not 7 days before! It is sooooo frusterating! Then the news gets worse! His chief calls him to tell him that he will know whats going on tomorrow by 12:30 but he had to threaten the higher ups with us getting a lawyer unless they A. Do everything they promised right now, or B. Extend him through December 1st after the baby is born. He told the hubs that those are the only two choices, so either they do either of those things or we will have to get a lawyer!! I cant even tell you how scared I am right now....I dont know what we will do... If they do what they promised we will be ok right now, but if they do not and extend us we will be ok but it will still suck because we really need the lump sum of money to pay things off. If they do nothing we are totaly screwed! Not only do we NOT have the money for a lawyer, but we wont have anymore money as of the 1st coming in, and could lose EVERYTHING! I am praying so hard right now they just give us the money as promised, but I will take the second option of extending us as well if its offered I just cant handle the thought of them doing nothing....
Anyways, I guess I will let you know...I just had to get that out....please pray for us if you pray, or do whatever you do....I just HAVE to hear good news tomorrow....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well we got moved into the house finally! It has been wonderful so far, and we have gotten a lot done here. Riley's room is all finished, we painted a pretty pink color, got her new bunk beds, bought her a new dresser and painted it white, and also painted her hope chest white as well. She has all new furniture now and it looks perfect! She is pretty happy in there, so I am good with it :o)

We also got the paint for the babies room. We got a really pretty green color but we have not painted it yet. We got the crib set up and it is really pretty, I am really glad we bought it. The bedding I bought goes really well with the crib as well. I will start working in there pretty soon, I just want to make sure I dont over do it.

We still have quite a few things to unpack, mostly our clothing and stuff, but we dont have enough closet space so we need to wait till we get a couple dressers. I have been looking for them, but it seems like up here they aare few and far between, not only that but since my tabs are expired on my truck I cant pick anything up, so we have to rely on a friend to do it, and while we pay him gas I still feel bad for having him run all our errands..

Thats a huge thorn in my side right now as well.....the guy who sld me the car had his secretary call me 2 weeks ago wanting to know why I hadnt made a payment. I told her I wanted to know why they had not sent in the paper work for me to get it licensed...Anyways, to make a long story short it was a back and forth between us and I told her I would make a payment when they sent in the paperwork so I could license and actually drive my friggin car, she promised to do it, but its been 2 weeks and I have not heard a word about it. I am not only going crazy because I cant drive my own car, but I am also worried that they may not do it and try to come take my car, or just try to scam me out of the money and the truck. I guess we will see what happens, I should just put my truck in the garage so they cant get to it, just incase.

The other worry on my mind is the fact that Andy is officially out of the NAVY in 2 weeks. He did get the Involuntary Separation which sucks, but I am really hoping it will turn out better than him being in the NAVY. I just wish he would get on it! He has barely talked to them about it and always has an excuse why he doesnt. He only gets 2 more paychecks and thats it!! We dont get enough money as it is with me not working, we cant even pay our bills right now, already a couple of things are behind and I totaly dont want to mess up our credit score we just fixed because he is being lazy about talking to them. Not only does he need to figure out what kind of job he will be getting, but he needs to figure out the money and the medical issue. We are supposed to get that 20 or 30k and have not heard a friggin word about it and we need it!! We cant even pay our mortgage payment right now. Our medical is another story! I just got the medical switched so I can see a dr. but who knows if I will even get in to the dr. before he is officially out in two weeks, and I dont know how its going to work. We have to have valid military id's to get to the hospital which our id's will expire in 2 weeks...they say they will give us medical for 4 months after he is sepersted which is good but it sucks since that will give me medical till 3 weeks before I am due. Who knows what we will due if I get charged for the delivery, that will be a huge bill. Andy is supposed to find out more today but so far he is sitting on his butt still, I have already pestered him about it this morning and he said he would get on it but like I said, he is sitting here. It is really driving me crazy right now! I am 17 weeks right now and have not seen a dr. since 10 weeks! I am assuming everything is fine, I heard the heartbeat for the first time with my dopplar the beginning of last week, it was really cool. I was super happy since I had had a bit of spotting after we moved in here and I was worried, but all is well now as far as I know.

Anyways.....keep your fingers crossed for me that everything will work out for us, we are really going to be hurting here soon if things dont change, and if Andy doesnt get his butt in gear and get this shit done. I am trying not to be a bitch or to pushy with him, but as we speak he is still on his ass playing a friggin computer game. He has not tried to call anyone or even made a move to do anything! Gah! I could kill him sometimes!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sooo frustrated!!!

Gaaahhh there is so much going on and I am sooooooo frustrated right now! First of all we were supposed to moving today, but sadly we are not, and we have no idea when we will be. I am so friggin sick of the lender saying dates and then having them pass, I wish he would just stick to one date! I know most of this isnt his fault since he is just waiting to hear back from the underwriters which of course he said would take 3 days and its been over a week now. I am just hoping we hear more today. We had better since the actual close date we had was the 19th and that is Wed. I guess we will see, but all I know is I am sooo sick and tired of this house buying business!
So now we are still in the rental house, a month after we were supposed to be out of here, the landlord is getting a little pissy over it, and we are 80% packed up here just waiting...

The next issue on the table is ugly. Andy was supposed re-enlist which he of course waited till the last min. to do, and guess what? We still have not heard if it went through or not...so after asking around as to why we find out that the NAVY is dowsizing its submarine fleet and he may get forced out. Sooo basically he will either get re-enlisted which is looking like it wont happen since he has not heard anything at all about it, or he will get an involuntary seperation fromt he NAVY and the lovely government will supposidly give us $25k and get him a job working as a civilian for the government. Either way I guess things will work out, they better since we just bought a friggin house and we have bills that need to be paid!

Andy and I are not getting along of course. I am just so sick of him spending friggin money like water. I have given him over $200 in the last week and of course it is all gone. He blows through money like water through a strainer and I am soooo effing sick of it! He doesnt even know of he has a job for crying out loud but yet he still spend spend spends! He will jus never learn and I cant even deal with it anymore. Of course he doesnt think he does anything wrong.... Whatever..

To top everything off I broke my friggin toe on Tuesday. Of course I was in the garage without shoes on but there is no reason there should be 500 friggin soda boxes thrown all over the garage instead of being thrown out, but just like everything else in the house thats only something that I would do. Anyways, I was trying to dodge the soda boxes and I trip and broke my toe. Of course that made me feel wonderful. Then today of course my truck battery died, it has been having some charging issues the last few days and I told Andy I needed a new battery, but of course super car mechanic man said I didnt, that I had just left something on in the car, which I knew I hadnt but whatever. Anyways, of course it ended in a huge fight because I was right and he was wrong, like usual, and he ended up having to go get a battery. He is on his way to Yelm which he thinks is only 30 min away when it is really more like an hour, to pick up a table and chair set for our new house. We will see if he is able to get the whole set in the truck, I dont think he will be able to since there is 6 chairs, but he is sure he can so whatever.

Anyways.....I guess the good news is I am almost 15 weeks! I have not been able to get into the dr. again yet, I was going to wait till after we moved but who knows if I will even be able to do that now with everything going on....I guess I will get in there sooner or later. I feel much better now though since I am over the nausea, I still need to take little naps everyday but that is pretty much by choice. Anyways I am so excited to move and decorate the nursery and the rest of the house, lets just hope we get in there soon :o)

Ok well I think I am done for right now. I am tired and I dont even want to do anything today, but I know I need to pack in the hopes that we may actually get to move in the next few days....

Monday, April 26, 2010

The end is near!

Well each day we are getting closer to the end of the month and moveing into the new house! We got the garage cleaned out and packed up this weekend so thats nice, today I need to get the spare room packed up, parts of Rileys room cleaned up, and then my bathroom sorted and packed up. Then we will just have our clothing, beds, and kitchen stuff to move. So we still have a lot to do lol. I threw out a bunch of junk stuff though and then took another truckfull to Goodwill so that made me feel better. I think I will have one more car load of stuff to go to the Goodwill once I am done but at least the new house wont have a ton of crazy clutter in it.
We still have not heard anything back on the house, but all we are waiting for is the word from the VA inspector that he is fine with the work that was done and the house passes, and then the loan documents. I just wish it would hurry up! I friggin hate staying here in limbo! Our agent said she thinks we will be able to move the second week of May no problem. If it takes longer then she is going to ask for early occupancy but hopefully it all goes as planned and we can just move in.
There is so many things we need to purchase an buy for the new house as well. We need to buy a few more fence panels so the fence is complete, we need to get dressers for all of us so we have room for our clothes, we need to buy new appliances so we can actually use our kitchen...AHHGGGG to much to think about!
Oh and I almost forgot! Today I am officially 12 weeks pregnant! Everything seems fine, though I really wont know until I get to the dr. again and I have no idea when that will be since I have to wait till I get to Bremerton and get set up. I dont want to see 3 different dr.'s so I will just wait until I get set up with my regular OB.
Ok well I think I am going to get off the computer for awhile. I have some stuff to get done here and then I need to go out an about on some errands. I will try my best to keep you posted on everything :o)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I know I have promised to keep up on this blog but so much has been going on here I really have not had the time. I also didnt want to write to much about the baby in case something happened, it just felt like bad ju ju to talk about it yet. Now that I am almost 12 weeks and I have already seen the heart beat I think we are ok.

Soooooo......where to start???

I guess with the beginning of the month. I am not officially a SAHM or Stay At Home Mom in case you missed it :o) Work got to be to much for me with the impending move and the baby so I left the first of the month. I was really sick of working as well, my boss was really being rotten as well so it was time for me to go. I have been a bit bored since being off, but this pregnancy has really been different and I have had lots of nausea which makes my day not so wonderful. It has been nice being able to take naps when I need to.

The middle of the month brought our pre-approval letter for our own home, which we have worked sooo hard to get! We were so excited we went house hunting right away! We had been looking online as well for the last 3 months in hopes that by move time we would have our approval so we knew what we wanted to look at. We went and looked at 6 houses and all of them we thought we would really like and they all had something not right with them that we didnt want to deal with at all, lucky for us our agent had gotten a new listing that morning which was the first to last house we went to and we fell in love with it immediately. We put an offer on it that night and that started our journey towards first time home owners status :o)

It is now the end of the month and the home purchase is well underway and we are expecting to move in the second week in May. We have some small remodeling projects to do in the house but I am very excited to do them and make this house our home.
I am also almost out of my first trimester of pregnancy. I only have a few days left and I am very excited to be done with it and in a "safe zone" so to speak. We have had a couple of scares with this pregnancy and I am ready to not have to worry anymore. We still have not told our families about the baby but I plan to soon. I ordered a photo mouse pad for mom with a picture of Riley holding the ultrasound picture that I plan to send to mom as soon as I get it. I know she will be happy, well everyone will be happy.

Well I guess that is enough for right now, I will try and update this on a regular weekly basis at the very least but I cannot promise anything since I dont know how busy I will be in the next couple of weeks with packing or the new house.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well since I have been absent a month I will catch you up on everything that has been happening....

First of all we had our wedding. It was a very nice ceremony and we had a great time. I will post some photos as well. It went by really fast and shortly after we got home we found out we had orders! So we have to report to Bangor Sub Base in Bremerton! Thank God!! I dont know what I would have done if we had gotten anywhere else... So things have been very crazy around here since we got that news. We have been working very hard to get our credit score where it should be so we can buy a house up there and we are very close to accoplishing that. We just need to find a place we like now.... I cant wait to move up there! It will be so nice to finally start our own lives!
I think I am even more excited about all of our bills being paid off and me not having to go back to work! I cant wait to stop working. Since I told my boss I was going to be leaving they have found something stupid to do to me every day. Last week they only paid me for 1 week even though I faxed my timecard to my boss AND called her to double check. Then they called me saying I should use periods instead of forward slashed when I input dates...just lame crap like that...Oh well, I will be done in a month and then I wont have to worry about it anymore.
This month is when all the fun started though, well Saturday actually..... WE ARE PREGNANT AGAIN!! Finally!!! It has been a very long 6 months of trying but we are finally here and soooo happy! I thought I would be a worried mess once I found out but I actually feel pretty good. In fact I decided to wait until we get to the Bangor before going ot the dr. They dont usually get you a dr. apt until 8 weeks anyways, and I dont want to start with a dr. here and then have to switch again in a few weeks. Besides I dont want to go in and have them poking around up there with anything, I think that could be worse for me....
I feel much better all the way around this time. My ta ta's have been hurting for the last 2 weeks, I have been pretty naseated as well but not to the point of throwing up thank goodness! I also have had terribly itchy skin and had to pee every 5 min. I thought for sure I was pregnant but I tested every day for the last 2 weeks and they all said Neg. I just happen to see an old test that fell out of the trash and it had two lines, so I tested again and it was positive! We are just so happy! Anyways, I am due November 8th, mom's birthday! So I am 5 weeks right now. We are not telling any of the family, we are going to wait till I am 12 weeks at least. That way if anything happens we dont have to deal with telling everyone again. Last time was to painfull...
Anyways, I should get off here, I am starting to feel tired and I want to take a nap. I will keep this updated from now on.. I will be very bored once I am not working....

Friday, January 15, 2010


Well so far this month has been pretty busy. With all of the wedding planning it seems like there is still so much to do. I also turn 27 in 5 days! I am actually freaking out about it a little. I am all that much closer to 30 and I really have no accomplished much....Oh well, I refuse to dwell on that :o) Riley is 10 days away from her 4th birthday as well. I am REALLY freaking out about that! It doesnt seem possible that I have a 4 year old daughter. Hopefully the stork will be kind to us this year and we will have a new baby in time for next year :o)

Riley is sick right now, I have had to stay home from work the last couple of days. I wish I was happy about it, but sadly I am not...I wish I could have worked, we need the money right now. To much crap to pay for...
I am just hoping she gets better, she has had a super high fever for two days, and terrible congestion and coughing. I have been worried sick about her....She seems to feel better during the day and then get ill at night. She is fine so far tonight, but we will see how it goes.

Well so much for the update, I am going to run. I need to work on my tan and the neighbor wants to go with, so I will write more later!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Ya, me too! I keep trying to get caught up on my house work, work work, and everything else that goes along with daily life after the holidays. I just cant seem to juggle everything throw my way lately. Today things just all came at me at once. I was off work by noon but I got home and saw the 8 full loads of laundry that needed to be washed, dried, folded, and then put away. It just reminded me that even though the last few days I have been off work early, and I have came home and done daily chores around the house I have barely made a dent in the work. It frustrates me to no end! Mostly because it seems I am the only one who is doing the work. I know Andy has helped me a little but it just makes me feel like he isnt when I have so much to do. Anyways, at least I got all of the laundry done, well for the most part anyways. I am to tired to do anything else tonight. Ok well I am going to sign off, I just needed to vent a bit.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Me!

Well I admit, I have been hiding from blogging for awhile. I have now decided since it is a new year it is also time to start over. The last year was pretty rough on me and on my family and it is time for me to get out of my rut and have a great 2010!

I have so much going on this year, a wedding to plan, a move to be made, a job change...Just to name a few...and I am excited for all of it!

Anyways, here is to a new year and to starting over!